versor  3.0
C++11 library for Geometric algebra
Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
vsr::cga Namespace Reference

3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Namespace More...


class  Bennett
 The bennett 4 bar linkage. More...
class  Chain
 A sequence of spatial Frames. More...
struct  Constrain
 Methods for Evaluating Constrained Points using Intersections of Sphere-based Distances. More...
struct  Construct
 constructive syntactic sugar for making geometric elements More...
class  CoupledTwist
 Coupled Twist Shape Generation x, y, z (after Rosenhahn et al) More...
struct  CyclideQuad
 Cylclidic Net (four tangent frames) More...
struct  Cylindrical
struct  DistancePtr
 Holds a pointer to a source, and has a radius t, the operator() generates a dual sphere at source with radius t. More...
struct  Flat
 3D operations on Flat types More...
struct  Fold
class  Frame
 Orthonormal Frame composed from a Position and Orientation. More...
struct  Gen
 Generators and Logarithms Optimized for 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra. More...
struct  Helical
class  HopfFiber

Hopf Fibration More...

struct  Joint
struct  NCyclide
class  NTwist
 GENERIC n-TWIST mechanism. More...
struct  Op
 Extraction of axis-angle orientation and 3D position features from Multivectors. More...
class  Pantograph
 PANTOGRAPH for scissor-like kinematics. More...
struct  Planar
struct  Prismatic
struct  Revolute
struct  Rig
 Rig has n spherical constraints to satisfy (try using fabrik solver here) More...
struct  Rig2
 A Rigid Contraint Node set by Two Distance Pointers. More...
struct  Rig3
struct  Rigid
 A Rigid Constraint Node set by Three Distance Pointers. More...
struct  Rigid2
struct  RigidNode
 Generic Rigid Constraint Node. More...
struct  Round
 3D operations on Round types (Points, Point Pairs, Circles, Spheres) More...
struct  Shape
struct  Simplicial
struct  Simplicial2
struct  Spherical
struct  Tangent
 3D operations on Tangent types More...
struct  TangentFrame
 Frame Tangent to Surface. More...
struct  TorusKnot
class  Twist
 Decomposed Dual Line (As a Bivector and Direction Vector to it ) More...


using Sca = NSca< 5 >
using Vec = NVec< 5 >
using Biv = NBiv< 5 >
using Rot = NRot< 5 >
using Tri = NTri< 5 >
using Ori = NOri< 5 >
using Inf = NInf< 5 >
using Mnk = NMnk< 5 >
using Pss = NPss< 5 >
using Pnt = NPnt< 5 >
using Par = NPar< 5 >
using Cir = NCir< 5 >
using Sph = NSph< 5 >
using Dls = NDls< 5 >
using Flp = NFlp< 5 >
using Dll = NDll< 5 >
using Lin = NLin< 5 >
using Dlp = NDlp< 5 >
using Pln = NPln< 5 >
using Drv = NDrv< 5 >
using Tnv = NTnv< 5 >
using Drb = NDrb< 5 >
using Tnb = NTnb< 5 >
using Drt = NDrt< 5 >
using Tnt = NTnt< 5 >
using Trs = NTrs< 5 >
using Mot = NMot< 5 >
using Trv = NTrv< 5 >
using Bst = NBst< 5 >
using Con = NCon< 5 >
using Dil = NDil< 5 >
using Tsd = NTsd< 5 >
typedef Sca Scalar
 0-blade: \(s=1\) More...
typedef Vec Vector
 Euclidean 1-blade: \(\boldsymbol{x}=\{e_1,e_2,e_3\}\)
typedef Biv Bivector
 Euclidean 2-blade: \(\boldsymbol{B}=\{e_{12},e_{13},e_{23}\}\)
typedef Tri Trivector
 Euclidean 3-blade: \(\boldsymbol{I_3}=\{e_{123}\}\)
typedef Rot Rotor
 Euclidean Rotor (Quaternionic): \(R=\{1,e_{12},e_{13},e_{23}\}\)
typedef Ori Origin
 Null Origin Blade: \(n_o\)
typedef Inf Infinity
 Null Infinity Blade: \(n_\infty\)
typedef Mnk Minkowski
 Minkowski Plane: \(E=n_o\wedge n_\infty\)
typedef Pss Pseudoscalar
 Tangent Pseudoscalar 5-blade: \(I=e_{123} \wedge n_o \wedge n_\infty\)
typedef Pnt Point
 Null Vector \(p=\{e_1,e_2,e_3,n_o,n_\infty\}\)
typedef Par Pair
 Point Pair 2-blade \(\tau=p_a \wedge p_b=\{e_{12},e_{13},e_{23},e_{1}n_o,e_{2}n_o,e_{3}n_o,e_{1}n_\infty,e_{2}n_\infty,e_{3}n_\infty,n_{o}n_\infty\}\)
typedef Cir Circle
 Direct Circle 3-blade \(\kappa=p_a \wedge p_b \wedge p_c\)
typedef Sph Sphere
 Direct Sphere 4-blade \(\Sigma=p_a \wedge p_b \wedge p_c \wedge p_d\)
typedef Pnt DualSphere
 Same Type as Point \(\sigma\)
typedef Drv DirectionVector
 Direction Vector \(\boldsymbol{v}n_\infty\)
typedef Drb DirectionBivector
 Direction Bivector \(\boldsymbol{B}n_\infty\)
typedef Drt DirectionTrivector
 Direction Bivector \(\boldsymbol{I}n_\infty\)
typedef Tnv TangentVector
 Tangent Vector \(\boldsymbol{x}n_o\)
typedef Tnb TangentBivector
 Tangent Bivector \(\boldsymbol{B}n_o\)
typedef Tnt TangentTrivector
 Tangent Trivector \(\boldsymbol{I}n_o\)
typedef Dll DualLine
 Dual Line bivector \(\lambda=\boldsymbol{B}+\boldsymbol{x}n_\infty\)
typedef Lin Line
 Direct Line Trivector \(p_a \wedge p_b \wedge n_\infty\)
typedef Flp FlatPoint
 Flat Point \(p \wedge n_\infty\)
typedef Pln Plane
 Direct Plane \(p_a \wedge p_b \wedge p_c \wedge n_\infty\)
typedef Dlp DualPlane
 Dual Plane \(\boldsymbol{n}+n_\infty\)
typedef Trs Translator
 Translating Rotor \(1-\boldsymbol{v}n_\infty\)
typedef Mot Motor
 Twisting Rotor \(e^\lambda\)
typedef Trv Transversor
 Transversion at the Origin \(1-\boldsymbol{v}n_o\)
typedef Bst Boost
 Homogenous Transversion \(e^\tau=\mbox{cosh}(\tau)-\mbox{sinh}(\tau)\)
typedef Con ConformalRotor
 General Conformal \(e^{\tau_a} e^{\tau_b}\);.
typedef Dil Dilator
 Dilation relative to Origin \(1+E\)
typedef Tsd TranslatedDilator
 Dilation relative to some point p \(e^{p \wedge n_\infty}\)


vector< Pointpoints (const Circle &k, int num, float theta=0, float phi=TWOPI)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Twist &t)


auto pointOnLine
 Point on line closest to another point v. More...
auto pointOnCircle
 a single point on circle c at theta t More...
auto pointsOnCircle
 n points on circle c More...
auto pairOnSphere
 a pair on dual sphere More...
auto pointOnSphere
 a single point on dual sphere s at theta t and phi p More...
auto pointsOnSphere
 many points on sphere (could use map func from gfx::data) More...

Detailed Description

3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Namespace

Variable Documentation

auto vsr::cga::pairOnSphere
Initial value:
= [](const DualSphere& s, VSR_PRECISION t, VSR_PRECISION p){
return Construct::pair(s, Vec::x.sp( Gen::rot(t,p) ) );
Pnt DualSphere
Same Type as Point \(\sigma\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:132

a pair on dual sphere

auto vsr::cga::pointOnCircle
Initial value:
= [](const Circle& c, VSR_PRECISION t){
return Construct::point(c,t);
Cir Circle
Direct Circle 3-blade \(\kappa=p_a \wedge p_b \wedge p_c\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:130

a single point on circle c at theta t

auto vsr::cga::pointOnLine
Initial value:
= []( const Line& lin, const Point& v){
return Round::null( Flat::loc( lin, v, false) );
Pnt Point
Null Vector \(p=\{e_1,e_2,e_3,n_o,n_\infty\}\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:128
Lin Line
Direct Line Trivector \(p_a \wedge p_b \wedge n_\infty\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:140

Point on line closest to another point v.

auto vsr::cga::pointOnSphere
Initial value:
= [](const DualSphere& s, VSR_PRECISION t, VSR_PRECISION p){
return Construct::pointA( pairOnSphere(s,t,p) ).null();
auto pairOnSphere
a pair on dual sphere
Definition: vsr_cga3D_op.h:558
Pnt DualSphere
Same Type as Point \(\sigma\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:132

a single point on dual sphere s at theta t and phi p

auto vsr::cga::pointsOnCircle
Initial value:
= [](const Circle& c, int num){
vector<Point> out;
for (int i=0;i<=num;++i){
out.push_back(pointOnCircle(c, TWOPI*(float)i/num) );
return out;
Cir Circle
Direct Circle 3-blade \(\kappa=p_a \wedge p_b \wedge p_c\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:130
auto pointOnCircle
a single point on circle c at theta t
Definition: vsr_cga3D_op.h:546

n points on circle c

auto vsr::cga::pointsOnSphere
Initial value:
= [](const DualSphere& s, int u, int v){
vector<Point> out;
for (int i = 0; i < u; ++i){
for (int j = 0; j < v; ++j){
float tu= TWOPI * i/u;
float tv = -PIOVERTWO + PI * j/v;
out.push_back( pointOnSphere(s,tu,tv) );
return out;
auto pointOnSphere
a single point on dual sphere s at theta t and phi p
Definition: vsr_cga3D_op.h:562
Pnt DualSphere
Same Type as Point \(\sigma\)
Definition: vsr_cga3D_types.h:132

many points on sphere (could use map func from gfx::data)