versor  3.0
C++11 library for Geometric algebra
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
vsr Namespace Reference

the versor library namespace More...


 3D Conformal Geometric Algebra Namespace
 3D Euclidean Geometric Algebra NamespaceNote that ega assumes 3D case for other dimensions we'll use ega2D (
 ND Generic Operations.


struct  algebra

An algebra instance is templated on: More...

struct  algebra_impl
struct  algebra_impl< Algebra, false, false >
struct  algebra_impl< Algebra, false, true >
struct  algebra_impl< Algebra, true, false >
struct  all_blades
 all blades within a spatial dim upto and including maxgrade More...
struct  all_blades< dim, 0 >
 limiting case of grade 0 (scalar) More...
struct  blade
 metafunction to construct a basis blade type from spatial dimension and subspace grade More...
struct  blade< dim, 0 >
 limiting case of grade 0 (scalar) More...
class  Conic
 conic transforms More...
struct  Constraint
struct  ConvexHull

convex (and other assorted) hulls assembled into a half edge graph More...

struct  CubeEdge
class  CubicLattice
 Discretized Volume Indexing (Isometric Cubic Lattice w/o data) More...
class  Data
class  Distance
class  DoubleData
struct  Eval
class  Field
 A Basic 3D Field (slowly porting this over from the now defunct vsr_lattice class) Use to Evaluate Neighbors, Tensors, etc. More...
struct  GAE
struct  Group
 A Group of Operations called with group( sometype t ) or group( vector<sometype> t) V are versors any dimension, etc DualLines in cga2D or DualPlanes in cga3D or Circles . More...
struct  HEGraph
 Templated half edge structure (pointers to any type) Navigates references to surface topology of data only (DOES NOT STORE DATA) More...
class  Interp
struct  Lattice
 ND lattice, on a metric specified by V's type. Not a group, but a group can be made from it. More...
struct  Math
struct  Multivector
 Generic Geometric Number Types (templated on an algebra and a basis ) More...
struct  named_types
struct  named_types< algebra_impl< alg, false, true > >
struct  named_types< algebra_impl< alg, true, false > >
class  Nbr
 Data Structure of Neighbors in a cartesian volume (left, right, bottom, top, front, back) More...
struct  NCube
 ND Cube. More...
struct  NCube< 1 >
 1D Cube More...
class  NData
class  NData< 1, T >
struct  NE
struct  Patch
 Info Container for Euler integration of a 2d Field. More...
struct  PointGroup2D
struct  PointGroup3D
struct  Rand
 Probability Density Functions. More...
struct  Root
 goal is to use generators to collect all the unique transformations of the group, so we can apply them easily later. More...
class  Set
struct  SimpleGroup
 Simple Reflection Group (no translating or gliding spinors) More...
struct  Simplex
struct  SpaceGroup2D
struct  SpaceGroup3D
class  Stat
class  Verlet
struct  VPatch
 Volume Patch Info Container for Euler integration of a 3d Field. More...
class  Vxl


template<typename algebra >
using GASca = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::sca >
template<typename algebra >
using GAVec = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::vec >
template<typename algebra >
using GABiv = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::biv >
template<typename algebra >
using GATri = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::tri >
template<typename algebra >
using GAPnt = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::pnt >
template<typename algebra >
using GADls = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::dls >
template<typename algebra >
using GAPar = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::par >
template<typename algebra >
using GACir = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::cir >
template<typename algebra >
using GASph = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::sph >
template<typename algebra >
using GAFlp = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::flp >
template<typename algebra >
using GADll = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::dll >
template<typename algebra >
using GALin = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::lin >
template<typename algebra >
using GADlp = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::dlp >
template<typename algebra >
using GAPln = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::pln >
template<typename algebra >
using GAMnk = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::mnk >
template<typename algebra >
using GAInf = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::inf >
template<typename algebra >
using GAOri = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::ori >
template<typename algebra >
using GAPss = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::pss >
template<typename algebra >
using GATnv = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::tnv >
template<typename algebra >
using GADrv = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::drv >
template<typename algebra >
using GATnb = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::tnb >
template<typename algebra >
using GADrb = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::drb >
template<typename algebra >
using GATnt = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::tnt >
template<typename algebra >
using GADrt = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::drt >
template<typename algebra >
using GARot = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::rot >
template<typename algebra >
using GATrs = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::trs >
template<typename algebra >
using GADil = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::dil >
template<typename algebra >
using GAMot = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::mot >
template<typename algebra >
using GABst = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::bst >
template<typename algebra >
using GATrv = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::trv >
template<typename algebra >
using GACon = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::con >
template<typename algebra >
using GATsd = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::tsd >
template<typename algebra >
using GAEucPss = Multivector< algebra, typename algebra::types::eucpss >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using euclidean = algebra< metric< N >, T >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal = algebra< metric< N-1, 1, true >, T >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NESca = GASca< euclidean< N, T > >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NEVec = GAVec< euclidean< N, T > >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NEBiv = GABiv< euclidean< N, T > >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NETri = GATri< euclidean< N, T > >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NERot = GARot< euclidean< N, T > >
template<bits::type dim, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using euclidean_vector = GAVec< euclidean< dim, T > >
template<bits::type dim, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using euclidean_bivector = GABiv< euclidean< dim, T > >
template<bits::type dim, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using euclidean_trivector = GATri< euclidean< dim, T > >
template<bits::type dim, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using euclidean_rotor = GARot< euclidean< dim, T > >
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NSca = GASca< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NVec = GAVec< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NBiv = GABiv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NPnt = GAPnt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NBst = GABst< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NPar = GAPar< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NCir = GACir< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NRot = GARot< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTnv = GATnv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTrv = GATrv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTrs = GATrs< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDrv = GADrv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDil = GADil< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTsd = GATsd< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NOri = GAOri< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NInf = GAInf< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDls = GADls< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDll = GADll< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NLin = GALin< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NMnk = GAMnk< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NPss = GAPss< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NSph = GASph< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTri = GATri< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NFlp = GAFlp< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NPln = GAPln< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDlp = GADlp< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDrb = GADrb< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTnb = GATnb< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NTnt = GATnt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NDrt = GADrt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NMot = GAMot< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using NCon = GACon< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_scalar = GASca< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_vector = GAVec< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Biv = GABiv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Pnt = GAPnt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Bst = GABst< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Par = GAPar< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Cir = GACir< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Rot = GARot< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Tnv = GATnv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Trv = GATrv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Trs = GATrs< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Drv = GADrv< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Dil = GADil< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Tsd = GATsd< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Ori = GAOri< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Inf = GAInf< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Dls = GADls< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Dll = GADll< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Lin = GALin< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Mnk = GAMnk< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Pss = GAPss< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Sph = GASph< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Tri = GATri< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Flp = GAFlp< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Pln = GAPln< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Dlp = GADlp< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Drb = GADrb< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Tnb = GATnb< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Tnt = GATnt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Drt = GADrt< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Mot = GAMot< conformal< N, T >>
template<bits::type N, typename T = VSR_PRECISION>
using conformal_Con = GACon< conformal< N, T >>
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Vec > Vec
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Sca > Sca
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Y0 > Y0
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Y1 > Y1
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Y2 > Y2
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Y3 > Y3
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::O1 > O1
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::O2 > O2
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::O3 > O3
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::I > I
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::P3 > P3
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Event > Event
typedef MGAMV< STA::Metric, STA::Split > Split
using vec4 = NEVec< 4, int >
typedef std::map< const char *, int > NameMap


enum  Interpolation {
enum  Cube {
  LEFT = 1, RIGHT = 1 << 1, BOTTOM = 1 << 2, TOP = 1 << 3,
enum  StandardTypes {


template<class A >
void Draw (const A &s, float r=1, float g=1, float b=1, float a=1)
Rot AA (const Vec &s)
void Immediate (const Vec &s)
ega::Rot AA (const ega::Vec &s)
void Immediate (const ega::Vec &s)
template<int N>
void Draw (const Simplex< N > &s, float r=1.0, float g=1.0, float b=1.0, float a=1.0)
template<typename T >
Diff (const T &a, const T &b)
template<typename T >
VT Dist (const T &a, const T &b)
 Squared Distances.
template<TT DIM>
VT Dist (const NPnt< DIM > &a, const NPnt< DIM > &b)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Nbr &m)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Vxl &m)
NameMap create_types ()

Detailed Description

the versor library namespace