Here we look at compiling shader programs and sending buffers of data to the GPU.


In our previous post we initialized a context and started an animation loop. Next, we’ll generate some programs (called “shaders”) that can be run on your device’s GPU. Shader programs process input information such as 3D vertex coordinates and output pixels on your screen.

In a new initShader function let’s call some GL methods to create, load, compile, attach and link a shader program.


A shader program is comprised of at least two different types of shaders, a vertex shader, which handles coordinate data, and fragment shader, which handles pixel data.

First, we need to create a program, and these two types of shaders. Methods like createProgram and createShader return a number that we can use to identify these objects later.

    //Create Program and Shaders
    shaderId = GL.createProgram();
    var vertId = GL.createShader(GL.VERTEX_SHADER);
    var fragId = GL.createShader(GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER);


With our shaders created, we need to load source code written in a language called glsl. Below, we grab this source code from elsewhere in our document.

    //Load Shader
    var vertCode = document.getElementById("vertScript").text;
    var fragCode = document.getElementById("fragScript").text;

    GL.shaderSource(vertId, vertCode);
    GL.shaderSource(fragId, fragCode);

Now we need to compile our shaders, attach them to the shader program, and link it.

    //Compile Shaders
    //Attach to Shader Program
    GL.attachShader(shaderId, vertId);
    GL.attachShader(shaderId, fragId);
    //Link Shader Program

In the full code sample below, note that we all check for any errors after compiling our shaders, and after linking our program.

GLSL Shader Code

We will spend more time investigating shader coding language glsl later on in this course. A great online introduction to the logic of shaders can be found at That resource deals almostly exclusively with fragment shaders, but covers a lot of useful information about the language specification itself. As before, the WebGL 1.0 reference card may also be useful.

For now, let’s simply consider the vertex shader. This is a program whose only real responsibility is to process vector coordinate information. It can take on more tasks, such as receiving other kinds of input or sending output to the fragment shader, but let’s focus on this bare bones requirement first. Here’s our vertex shader code:

	#ifdef GL_ES
	precision lowp float;

	attribute vec3 position; 

	void main(void) {
		gl_Position = vec4(position,1.0);

The first three lines tell us to set a precision for floating point values if the code is being run by an embedded device (like a smartphone or a Raspberry Pi).

Line 5 names an attribute of type vec3 – that is, a 3D coordinate position. attribute is a reserved word that signifies an input to the shader (in fact, in later specifications of the glsl language we use the in keyword, which is short for “input”). This is data that will be coming in from a buffer on the GPU. Soon, we’ll learn how to tie the buffer of data to this input variable.

Finally, lines 7-9 specify a main function, whose sole task is to set a variable called gl_position to the incoming position vector.


Before we can do anything with this shader code, we need to create some vertex data on the GPU. To do this, we create a buffer with createBuffer, we bind the buffer with bindBuffer, we allocate space on the GPU with bufferData, and we copy data over from the CPU with bufferSubData.

    //Some Vertex Data
    var vertices = new Float32Array( [
      -1.0, -1.0, 0.0,
      -1.0,  1.0, 0.0,
       1.0,  1.0, 0.0,
       1.0, -1.0, 0.0
    //Create A Buffer
    var vertexBufferId = GL.createBuffer();
    //Bind it to Array Buffer
    GL.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBufferId);
    //Allocate Space on GPU
    GL.bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices.byteLength, GL.STATIC_DRAW);
    //Copy Data Over, passing in offset
    GL.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, vertices );

We have just sent 4 vertices in the form of 12 floating point values over to the GPU. Next, we will create another buffer for referencing this data. This time, we use the ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER

    //Some Indexing Data
    var indices = new Uint16Array([ 0,1,3,2 ]);
    //Create A Buffer
    indexBuffer = GL.createBuffer();
    //Bind it to Element Array Buffer
    GL.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
    //Allocate Space on GPU
    GL.bufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices.byteLength, GL.STATIC_DRAW);
    //Copy Data Over, passing in offset
    GL.bufferSubData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, indices );

Okay! That array of numbers [ 0,1,3,2 ] specifies the order in which we will draw our 4 vertices. They are laid out as follows:

1——–2 | | | | | | 0——–3

We will find out why we draw them in a zig-zag pattern when we look at GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP.


Just one more thing to do: render our content! To do that, we need to bind our shader with useProgram, enable our shader’s position attribute with enableVertexAttribArray, bind our vertex buffer with bindBuffer, point the attribute to this buffer with vertexAttribPointer, bind our index buffer, and finally draw these indexed elements with drawElements.

    //Bind Shader
    //Enable Position Attribute
    var attId = GL.getAttribLocation(shaderId, "position");
    //Bind Vertex Buffer
    GL.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer);
    ///Point to Attribute (loc, size, datatype, normalize, stride, offset)
    GL.vertexAttribPointer( attId, 3, GL.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
    //Bind Index Buffer
    GL.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
    //Draw!      --( mode, number_of_elements, data type, offset )

In the code above, perhaps the most complicated line is GL.vertexAttribPointer, which specifies the attribute “position” (attId), the number of values for each (3), the type of each (FLOAT), whether or not we want to normalize these values (false), the stride between each attribute (0, which means closely packed – more on this later), and any offset into memory.

The Code

The whole enchilada is below, where we separate our tasks into initShaderProgram, initBuffers and render functions. You’ll notice we added a fragment shader source code and a method in our render function to change a parameter in it. Such a parameter is called a uniform and on line’s 133 and 134 we change it:

	//Update uniform variable on shader
	var uID = GL.getUniformLocation(shaderId, "uTime");
	GL.uniform1f(uID, timer);

For a much better reference on fragment shaders, see the excellent book of shaders.