This is an introduction to creating WebGL contexts with getContext and animating with requestAnimationFrame.


WebGL is supported on most modern browsers, including mobile devices, and is an easy way to get started with OpenGL-style programming.

For this tutorial, we will be using javascript. If you are new to javascript or need a refresher, Mozilla’s developer site is a great resource. Their WebGL API Information is very handy as well.

I suggest using Chrome for developing WebGL apps. In Chrome, You can navigate to View > Developer > Developer Tools to see output from your code.


In the land of OpenGL (The “GL” stands for “Graphics Library” … or sometimes Language) and all its flavors (OpenGL ES, WebGL), a rendering context is a channel on which drawing states are transmitted to the device’s window. A single application can have many contexts, but only one is current at any given time on any given thread of execution.

A WebGLRenderingContext is created by calling getContext("webgl") on canvas element canvas.getContext("webgl") (note, for version 2.0, one will eventually pass in “webgl2”). The following four lines of code grab a canvas element, initialize a web context on it, set the clear color to red, and then clears the screen (with red):

		var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
		var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
		gl.clearColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

Below is a WebGL context, though you wouldn’t know it just by looking at it (since it’s just a red rectangle)

Here is the full code to generate the above context. Note we also check to make sure the context was created successfully. A global variable GL holds our context so we can use it in other functions later on.

Animation Frames

So far we have just initialized a WebGL context and cleared the view to red once. In order for anything to happen over time, we must add an function that is called repeatedly. In javascript, the current protocol for this is handled by a function that calls itself.

We will add four functions:

  • Request: a requestAnimFrame function that is called by the window itself.
  • Loop: an animationLoop function that calls requestAnimationFrame, passing itself as the argument, and then calls the render function.
  • Render: a render function that actually does the drawing.
  • Start: a start function that initializes the WebGL rendering context and then begins the animationLoop


The requestAnimFrame function provides cross-platform support and finds the suitable frames-per-second at which your device should operate. For some more details on this see Paul Irish’s post. We will just copy this code, which finds the best option given the browser in use:

		window.requestAnimFrame = ( function() {
		    return  window.requestAnimationFrame || 
		            window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||  
		            window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || 
		            window.oRequestAnimationFrame || 
		            window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
		    // if none of the above exist, use non-native timeout method
		    function(callback) {
		      window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
		  } ) (); 


The animationLoop calls the requestAnimFrame function:

		function animationLoop(){
		  // we request a new frame
		  requestAnimFrame( animationLoop );
		  // and call render function (defined below)


Draw things onto the context:

   		function render(){
   			GL.clearColor( .5*(1+ Math.sin( timer/30.0 )), 0.0, .5*(1+Math.cos( timer/30.0 )), 1.0);


Initialize the Context and Begin the Animation Loop

		function start(){

Here is the full code for initializing a context and starting an animation loop in WebGL: