Textures and Cubemaps
Slides from class

Reading: Textures
Reading: Cubemaps and Skyboxes
Reading: Cubemaps and Skyboxes II

Textures are 2D or 3D buffers of 1D,2D,3D or 4D data.


Billboards are rectangles with textures attached to them, which always face the camera

Code: https://github.com/wolftype/200c/blob/gh-pages/scratch/webgl_gfx_frame_billboards.html

2 Textures

Multiple textures can be applied by sending ids to with glUniform1i and activating textures with glActiveTexture.

Code: https://github.com/wolftype/200c/blob/gh-pages/scratch/webgl_gfx_textures.html


Cubemaps are a set of six textures that can be used to create an environment “skybox” that we sit inside of. As we are in a right-handed coordinate system, the positive Z direction is behind you and the negative Z direction is in front of you.

Code: https://github.com/wolftype/200c/blob/gh-pages/scratch/webgl_gfx_cubemap_skybox.html